StartupWA METS INNovation Report

METS Innovation Report

The METS Industry Roundtable Discussion was held to inform StartupWA on the potential roadblocks that Mining Equipment, Technology and Services (METS) startups face in Western Australia (WA), with a specific focus on the technology companies. Inspired by the World Café Methodology, an open dialogue between participants was facilitated. Attendees included representatives of the Western Australian State Government, the City of Perth, mining companies, METS startups with early-stage and later-stage technology, investors, and consultants.

The event commenced with a presentation highlighting the METS sector in Australia. The content of the presentation drew on the Austmine 2020 National METS Survey to outline the scale of the sector and compare WA’s performance to other states. Afterwards, the facilitated roundtable discussion started, consisting of three rounds where participants discussed the barriers and actions of the following questions:

  • How might we grow the METS sector in WA and the startups within it?

  • How might we increase government support in the METS sector in WA?

  • How might we increase the industry support for the METS sector in WA?

This report provides an overview of the collated participant feedback to the above ‘how might we’ questions. It presents the reader with practical recommendations on how Industry, State Government, together with stakeholders from the Western Australian startup ecosystem, may minimise these challenges and contribute to the growth of the METS industry startup sector in Western Australia.

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