StartupWA Summit Series 2021

One of StartupWA’s strategic objectives for 2021 was to explore WA’s diverse startup ecosystem from different angles in order to develop inclusive recommendations and advocacy messages to Government and Industry. 

With support from the WA Government New Industries Fund, StartupWA organised a series of events during the second part of 2021 comprised of three separate summits: 

  1. StartupWA Female Founders Summit (Lead - Kate Brooks) 

  2. StartupWA Indigenous Founders Summit (Lead - Leslie Delaforce)

  3. StartupWA Regional Founders Summit (Lead - Tom Goerke)  

StartupWA enlisted the help of Senior Management Consultant and World Café facilitator, Dee Roche, to provide the overall design of the three summits using the World Café methodology.

Each Summit ran as a single world café event by chosen facilitation consultant and included approximately 50 invited attendees from across the WA startup ecosystem (entrepreneurs, government, universities, investors, large corporations, incubators, mentors and support service providers). Each summit explored a series of questions that matter to identify emerging themes and collective actions.  

A Book of Proceedings was produced after each Summit to record the discussions that took place and capture the emerging themes.

StartupWA’s commitment to promise is to collate the key findings from each Summit and present them as one single StartupWA report.

The StartupWA Board would like to thank everyone involved with the Summit Series 2021 - organisers, facilitators, and attendees. The StartupWA Summit Series was made a success because of the passion motivating everyone involved. 

StartupWA likes to thank Bethan Winn for facilitating the Female Founders Summit, Kali Norman for facilitating the Regional Founders Summit and Rhys Paddick for facilitating the Indigenous Founders Summit. Special thanks to Dee Roche for providing StartupWA with her rich knowledge and advice.