StartupWA Reports

METS Innovation Report

METS Innovation Report

The StartupWA METS Innovation Report is the result of the METS Industry Roundtable, where participants discussed the barriers and actions of the following questions:

  • How might we grow the METS sector in WA and the startups within it?

  • How might we increase government support in the METS sector in WA?

  • How might we increase the industry support for the METS sector in WA?

The report presents the reader with practical recommendations on how Industry, State Government, together with stakeholders from the Western Australian startup ecosystem, may minimise these challenges and contribute to the growth of the METS industry startup sector in Western Australia.

Summit Series Report

The StartupWA Summit Series Report provides an overview of the collated participant feedback from all three Summits:

  • Female Founders Summit,

  • Regional Founders Summit, and

  • Indigenous Founders Summit.

It presents the reader with practical recommendations on how the State Government, together with stakeholders from the Western Australian startup ecosystem, may minimise these challenges and contribute to the continuous development of a more diverse startup ecosystem in WA.

Startup Report

The previous edition of the Startup Report was published in 2015, which was a significant milestone for WA's small but rapidly-growing startup and digital innovation ecosystem.

Our ecosystem continues to mature and develop - testament to the incredible work of so many community-builders featured in the 2019 startup ecosystem report. This includes people running co-working spaces, hosting events, organising meetups, coaching startups, founding companies, educating future generations and continually backing entrepreneurs with a vision and the drive to make it happen.